jeudi 30 avril 2009

Amstramgram ! expo prolongée

L’asso Au coin de la rue vous propose “Amstramgram !”, une exposition collective d’illustration de comptines anglo-saxonnes.
Du 10 avril au 16 mai, nous vous invitons à venir découvrir le travail d’une vingtaine de créateurs (graphistes, illustrateurs, stylistes, peintres etc.) à La Galerie De l’Escalier, Boutique Endo, espace LTM, au 9, rue Poullain Duparc à Rennes. Vernissage le 23 avril à 18h.
Pour en savoir plus, rendez vous sur notre site :

horaires :
Le mardi
Du mercredi au samedi
10h/13h - 14h/18h

mercredi 29 avril 2009

Pussycat, My Pussycat

Pussycat, Pussycat, where have you been ?
Iíve been up to London to visit the Queen
Pussycat, Pussycat, what did you dare ?
I frightened a little mouse under her chair

mardi 28 avril 2009

there was a maid on Scrabble hill

There was a maid on Scrabble Hill,
And, if not dead, she lives there still.
She grew so tall, she reached the sky,
And on the moon hung clothes to dry.

pas de site... quel dommage !

Slippery dippery soap

Slippery dippery soap
Behind your ears to soak
But mind your tongue
Bad words are stung
Slippery dippery soap

lundi 27 avril 2009

Lady bug

Ladybug ! Ladybug !
Fly away home.
Your house is on fire.
And your children all gone.
All except one,
And that’s Ann,
For she has crept under
The frying pan.

Amstramgram : le vernissage !

Voilà quelques images du vernissage pour les absents. On a eu beaucoup de monde ! merci à tout ceux qui sont venus.
Si quelqu'un a une photo du carrot cake d'Emilie avec le logo de l'asso dessiné dessus, je suis preneuse !
Merci à Virginie pour les photos

sleep baby sleep

Sleep, baby, sleep !
Thy father tends the sheep,
Thy mother shakes the branches small,
Whence happy dreams in showers fall.
Sleep, baby, sleep !

Sleep, baby, sleep !
The sky is full of sheep,
The stars the lambs of heaven are,
For whom the shepherd moon doth care.
Sleep, baby, sleep !

dimanche 26 avril 2009

Peter Pumkin eater

Peter Peter pumpkin eater,
Had a wife and couldnít keep her!
He put her in a pumpkin shell,
And there he kept her very well !

Row row your boat

Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream.

Rock, rock, rock your boat,
Gently side to side.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Let’s go for a ride.

samedi 25 avril 2009

Starlight star bright

Star Light Star bright,
The first star I see tonight
I wish I may I wish I might
Have the wish I wish tonight

out !

Out goes the rat
Out goes the cat
Out goes the lady
With the big,big hat
Y,O,U,spells you;
O,U,T,spells out

Fred Gransard n'a pas de site perso, mais je vous renvoie vers le MySpace de son groupe :

vendredi 24 avril 2009

Rain, rain go away !

Rain, Rain, go away !
come again another day !
Rain, Rain, go away !
Little Johnny wants to play.

Servane Joucla n'a pas de site, mais on peut voir pas mal de ses créations textiles sur le blog d'endo sous le nom Velvet etc.

Fairy Cakes

hier c'était vernissage au 9 de la rue Poullain Duparc... On s'est bien regalé avec des brownies, carot cakes, pancakes, chamallow, muffins et autres merveilles... Merci à tous !

j'me la pète un peu avec mes fairycakes car ce sont les seuls que j'ai en photos. J'espère que certains auront pris quelques photos du vernissage que je vous les mette en ligne ici.
si quelqu'un une photo du carrot cake avec le logo de l'asso, je suis preneuse.

This little chick

désolée pour la qualité des photos, c'est pas terrible avec les reflets... Mais je vous assure que les illustrations sont MAGNIFIQUES, avec des petits détails super drôle et de jolis jeux de lumières.

This little chick is black.
She stands in the barnyard on a big haystack.
This little chick is brown.
She is feeling sad and wearing a frown.
This little chick is yellow.
She’s friends with the rooster;
he’s a handsome fellow.
This little chick is white.
She dances and plays, oh what a sight.
This little chick is purple.
She spends her day running around in a circle.
This little chick is green.
She is the prettiest chick Iíve ever seen.
This little chick is blue.
She lays eggs for me and you.
This little chick is pink.
She goes down to the pond to get a drink.
All of these chicks live at the farm,
Out in the big red barn.

mercredi 22 avril 2009

A Frog He Would A-wooing Go

A frog he would a-wooing go,
Heigh ho! says Rowley,
A frog he would a-wooing go,
Whether his mother would let him or no.
With a rowley, powley*, gammon, and spinach,
Heigh ho! says Anthony Rowley.

So off he set with his opera hat,
Heigh ho! says Rowley,
So off he set with his opera hat,
And on the road he met with a rat,
With a rowley, powley, gammon, and spinach,
Heigh ho! says Anthony Rowley.

Pray, Mr. Rat will you go with me?
Heigh ho! says Rowley,
Pray, Mr. Rat will you go with me,
Kind Mrs. Mousey for to seeÖ
With a rowley, powley, gammon, and spinach,
Heigh ho! says Anthony Rowley.

They came to the door of Mousey’s hall,
Heigh ho! says Rowley,
They gave a loud knock, and they gave a loud call.
With a rowley, powley, gammon, and spinach,
Heigh ho! says Anthony Rowley.

Pray, Mrs. Mouse are you within?
Heigh ho! says Rowley,
Oh yes, kind sirs, Iím sitting to spin.
With a rowley, powley, gammon, and spinach,
Heigh ho! says Anthony Rowley.

Pray, Mrs. Mouse will you give us some beer?
Heigh ho! says Rowley,
For Froggy and I are fond of good cheer.
With a rowley, powley, gammon, and spinach,
Heigh ho! says Anthony Rowley.

Pray, Mr. Frog will you give us a song?
Heigh ho! says Rowley,
Let it be something that’s not very long.
With a rowley, powley, gammon, and spinach,
Heigh ho! says Anthony Rowley

Indeed, Mrs. Mouse, replied Mr. Frog,
Heigh ho! says Rowley,
A cold has made me as hoarse as a dog.
With a rowley, powley, gammon, and spinach,
Heigh ho! says Anthony Rowley.

Since you have a cold, Mr. Frog, Mousey said,
Heigh ho! says Rowley,
Iíll sing you a song that Iíve just made.
With a rowley, powley, gammon, and spinach,
Heigh ho! says Anthony Rowley.

But while they were all a-merry-making
Heigh ho! says Rowley,
A cat and her kittens came tumbling in.
With a rowley, powley, gammon, and spinach,
Heigh ho! says Anthony Rowley.

The cat she seized the rat by the crown,
Heigh ho! says Rowley,
The kittens they pulled the little mouse down.
With a rowley, powley, gammon, and spinach,
Heigh ho! says Anthony Rowley.

This put Mr. Frog in a terrible fright,
Heigh ho! says Rowley.
He took up his hat and he wished them goodnight.
With a rowley, powley, gammon, and spinach,
Heigh ho! says Anthony Rowley.

But as Froggy was crossing over a brook,
Heigh ho! says Rowley.
A lily white duck came and gobbled him up.
With a rowley, powley, gammon, and spinach,
Heigh ho! says Anthony Rowley.

So there was the end of one, two, three,
Heigh ho! says Rowley.
The rat, the mouse, and the little froggy.
With a rowley, powley, gammon, and spinach,
Heigh ho! says Anthony Rowley.

Mr Sun

avec la version animée, ça sera plus parlant :

Oh, Mister Sun, Sun, Mister Golden Sun.
Please shine down on me.
Oh, Mister Sun, Sun, Mister Golden Sun.
Hiding behind a tree.
These little children are asking you
To please come out so we can play with you.
Oh, Mister Sun, Sun, Mister Golden Sun.
Please shine down on me.

Oh, Mister Moon, Moon, Bright and silvery moon.
Please shine down on me.
Oh, Mister Moon, Moon, Bright and silvery moon.
Come from behind the tree.
I like to ramble, I like to roam,
But I like to find myself at home.
When the moon, moon, bright and silvery moon
Comes shining down on me,

mardi 21 avril 2009

My River

My river, by Emily Dickinson.

My river runs to thee.
Blue sea, wilt thou welcome me?
My river awaits reply.
Oh ! sea, look graciously.

Iíll fetch thee brooks
from spotted nooks.
Say, sea, Take me !

I had à little sister

I had a little sister
Her name was Suzy Q
I put her in the bathtub
To see what she would do do do!

She drank up all the water
She ate the bar of soap
She tried to eat the bathtub
But it wouldnít go down her throat throat throat!

My mother called the doctor
My mother called the nurse
My mother called the lady
With the alligator purse purse purse!

My sister ate the doctor
My sister ate the nurse
My sister ate the lady
With the alligator purse purse purse!

lundi 20 avril 2009

Look outside

Look outside
Spring is here!
Let's take off hats, scarf and gloves,
For the snow has melted,
It's starting to get warm
Look outside for spring is here!

Look outside
Summer's here!
Let's take off our big warm coats.
For the sun is shining,
It's very very hot.
Look outside for summer's here!

Look outside
Autumn's here!
Let's put on our coats again
For the sun has gone,
It's windy and wet.
Look outside for autumns here!

Look outside
Winter's here!
Let's put on hats, scarves and gloves,
The snow is falling,
It's icy and cold.
Look outside for winter's here!

Baa Baa Blacksheep

Baa, baa, black sheep,
Have you any wool ?
Yes sir, yes sir,
Three bags full.

One for the master
One for the dame,
And one for the little boy
Who lives down the lane.

dimanche 19 avril 2009

Hickory Dickory

Dickory, dickory, dare,
The pig flew up in the air;
The man in brown
Soon brought him down,
Dickory, dickory, dare.

samedi 18 avril 2009

I'm a little teapot

I’m a little teapot,
short and stout
Here is my handle,
here is my spout
When I get all steamed up,
hear me shout
tip me over and pour me out

vendredi 17 avril 2009

Snail , snail...

On continue :

Snail , snail put out your horn
we want some rain to grow our corn.
Out, horn, out.

jeudi 16 avril 2009

L'arrière-boutique, vente privée à Rennes

Notre prochain événement se prépare en coulisse...

the man in the wilderness

par mutabulos

The man in the wilderness
Asked me,
How many strawberries
Grew in the sea?
I answered him
As I thought good,
As many as red herrings
Grew in the wood.

mercredi 15 avril 2009

Look spring the season of flowers has come

Aujourd'hui, je vous propose l'illustration d'Isabelle Dubois dont vous n'avez pas vu d'extraits ou de croquis.

Toujours pas de blog ou de site pour voir son travail, enfin quoi que, j'ai cru comprendre que peut-être, bientôt...
Isabelle ???

Look spring the season of flowers has come
Look spring the season of flowers has come
Blue flowers, red flowers,
yellow flowers and pink
Blue flowers, red flowers,
yellow flowers and pink
Look it has come

Look spring the season of flowers has come
Look spring the season of flowers has come
Purple flowers, green flowers,
orange flowers and marroon
Purple flowers, green flowers,
orange flowers and marroon
Look it has come

Look spring the season of flowers has come
Look spring the season of flowers has come

d'autres images par ici :

Attention, samedi prochain, ça ne sera pas Christèle qui vous accueillera chez Endo, mais Au coin de la rue en chair et en os, oui !
Le matin, ça sera moi, et en début d'après-midi Alice. on sera là toutes les 2 en fin de journée. Une bonne occasion de venir nous rencontrer, non ?

mardi 14 avril 2009

Le quatre-heures ! les photos

J'avais mis un petit diaporama sur le côté, mais peut-être que pas mal d'entre-vous sont passés à côté alors voilà, c'est officiel, les photos sont en ligne :

c'est ici :

Le quatre-heures au café laverie

Walking through the jungle

voilà une créa qu'on ne voit pas sur les photos générales...

Alice, oui oui, notre Alice du coin de la rue, styliste et pas du tout illustratrice, a relevé de défi de faire un vêtement-illustration.
Et je trouve le résultat très réussi !
Je vous invite a venir voir en vrai et manipuler (avec précaution) son travail pour voir le serpent qui sort de la poche intérieure et le petit livret avec le texte.

Walking through the jungle,
Walking through the jungle,
What do you see?
What do you see?
Thought l heard a noise.
Shh, Shh, Shh,
What could it be?
What could it be?
Oh well, l thought it was a (snake),
ssss, ssss,
Thought it was a (snake),
ssss, ssss,
Thought it was a (snake),
ssss, ssss,
Looking for his tea.
Looking for his tea.

je ne suis pas la seule à avoir eu l'idée de distiller au compte-goute les images de l'expo, et comme on ne commence pas du même côté, ça vous fait 2 fois plus d'images :

dimanche 12 avril 2009

Amstramgram : les photos !

L'expo est commencée, voilà les premières images.
Peut-être quelques plans rapprochés bientôt !
On compte sur vous pour venir nous voir pour le vernissage anglo-saxon le 23 avril à 18h.

Attention, la boutique Endo sera exceptionnellement fermée mardi 14, il y aura donc une partie de l'expo inaccessible.

mardi 7 avril 2009

Look outside

Les derniers travaux arrivent pour l'expo. un extrait de Look outside par Anne Des Prairies